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Robotic Process Automation på IBM i
25. mars 2021 kl 11:00 - 12:00
Common Europe inviterer til webinar med tema «Process improvement & optimisation of your IBM i using Robotic Process Automation». Foredragsholder er Andrew Simpson fra Rocket Software. Du finner påmeldingsskjema her.
Beskrivelse av webinaret:
With more people working from home since the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, companies are increasing their investment in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) projects, to ensure the productivity of their employees working remotely. RPA takes repetitive processes and provides seamless automation into the IBM i applications, leaving bots to perform the repetitive tasks and frees up more time for the team to spend on valuable tasks.
Join this session to learn about the options for RPA on IBM i, looking at the pros and cons of doing it yourself or identifying solutions to help you within your RPA journey.
In this session we will look at :
- What exactly is RPA and how it can help you
- The RPA landscape: The market is a crowded place so choosing the right RPA product can be challenging.
- RPA options available for your IBM i applications based on real examples within the retail, logistics and banking industries
- RPA demo